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Annotated Timeline of Operations Research An Informal History

ISBN-10: 1402081162

ISBN-13: 9781402081163

Edition: 2005

Authors: Saul I. Gass, Arjang A. Assad

List price: $89.99
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An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research : An Informal History recounts the evolution of Operations Research (OR) as a new science - the science of decision making. Arising from the urgent operational issues of World War II, the philosophy and methodology of OR has permeated the resolution of decision problems in business, industry, and government. The Timeline chronicles the history of OR in the form of self-contained, expository entries. Each entry presents a concise explanation of the events and people under discussion, and provides key sources where further relevant information can be obtained. In addition, books and papers that have influenced the development of OR or helped to…    
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Book details

List price: $89.99
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: 1/7/2005
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 213
Size: 7.01" wide x 10.00" long x 0.50" tall
Weight: 2.002
Language: English

Operations research precursors from 1564 to 1873
Operations research precursors from 1881 to 935
Birth of operations research from 1936 to 1946
Expansion of operations research from 1947 to 1950
Mathematical, algorithmic, and professional developments of operations research from 1951 to 1956
International activities, algorithms, applications, and operations research texts and monographs from 1957 to l1963
Methods, applications, and publications from 1964 to 1978
Methods, applications, technology, and publications from 1979 to 2004
Name index
Subject index