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Sociology in Our Times:

ISBN-10: 1305503090

ISBN-13: 9781305503090

Edition: 2016

Authors: Diana Kendall

List price: $262.95
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This best-selling comprehensive book conveys the relevance of sociology by presenting a timely collection of theories, research, and examples -- including its signature first-person accounts that open many chapters. These "lived experiences" are relevant to students and introduce themes that provide a framework for learning the chapter material. Kendall's vivid and inviting writing style, emphasis on applications, and eye for compelling current examples further highlight sociology's relevance to all students. Now in its eleventh edition, SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES is acclaimed for being the first textbook to integrate race, class, and gender issues, and for its thorough presentation of…    
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Book details

List price: $262.95
Copyright year: 2016
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Binding: Cloth Text 
Size: 8.50" wide x 10.75" long x 1.25" tall
Weight: 3.960
Language: English