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The TV Presenter's Career Handbook: How to Market Yourself in TV Presenting

ISBN-10: 1135075328

ISBN-13: 9781135075323

Edition: N/A

Authors: Kathryn Wolfe

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You can present to camera, speak to time, read autocue, conduct an interview, write and memorise scripts; you have a showreel, headshots and a CV—but what next? How do you decide which genre to go for, market yourself and establish your career? The TV Presenter’s Career Handbook is full of information and advice on how to capitalise on your presenter training and contains up-to-date lists of resources to help you seek work, market yourself effectively, and increase your employability. Contents include raising your profile, what kinds of companies to aim for and how to contact them, what to do with your programme idea, video and radio skills, creating your own TV channel, tips from agents,…    
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Book details

Publisher: Focal Press
Binding: E-Book 
Pages: 216