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Modern Russian Grammar Workbook

ISBN-10: 1135000379

ISBN-13: 9781135000370

Edition: N/A

Authors: John; Khairov Dunn

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Modern Russian Grammar Workbook is an innovative book of exercises and language tasks for all learners of Russian. The book is divided into two parts. Section 1 provides exercises based on essential grammatical structures. Section 2 practises everyday functions such as making introductions, apologizing and expressing needs. A comprehensive answer key at the back of the book enables students to check on their progress. Main features include: exercises graded according to level of difficulty cross referencing to the related Modern Russian Grammar topical exercises which develop students’ vocabulary base. The Modern Russian Grammar Workbook is ideal for all learners of Russian,…    
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Book details

Publisher: Routledge
Binding: E-Book 
Pages: 232