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DevOps Adoption Playbook A Guide to Adopting DevOps in a Multi-Speed IT Enterprise

ISBN-10: 1119310768

ISBN-13: 9781119310761

Edition: 2017

Authors: Sanjeev Sharma

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Provide a review of DevOps and the capabilities of DevOps. Describe the challenges in a Multi-Speed IT environment in a large Enterprise. Define how DevOps can be achieved at scale in an enterprise. Show how DevOps can help achieve both Innovation and Optimization Highlight the business goals that large enterprises have achieved with DevOps, and how. Show how DevOps applies to myriad application platforms and technologies, including Mainframe, Mobile, Containers, Microservices, and Cloud (IaaS and PaaS).
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Book details

Copyright year: 2017
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited
Publication date: 1/12/2017
Pages: 416
Language: English

Sanjeev Sharma is a New York based consultant with nearly twenty years of experience in finance, venture capital and technology roles in USA and India. He was one of the first managers in the early stages of National Stock exchange of India in mid 1990s. He provided leadership to many mission critical projects at IBM Corporation, USA and provided business and product development support to many early stage portfolio companies in the venture capital Industry. He also taught finance to management students and has accurately predicted the movement of US economy and stock market for the last five years, while writing for Sanjeev holds an MBA from Columbia Business School, New…