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Preface | |
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About the Editors | |
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Contributors | |
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List of Color Plates | |
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Introduction | |
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Introduction to Experimental Bone and Cartilage Histology | |
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Structure and Function of Bone and Cartilage | |
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Cell Structure and Biology of Bone and Cartilage | |
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Normal Structure and Function of Bone | |
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Structure and Function of Articular Cartilage | |
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Tissue Harvesting, Fixation, and Preparation | |
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Bone-Labeling Techniques | |
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Human Bone Biopsy | |
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Biopsy Issues for Bone and Cartilage Tumors | |
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Tissue Harvesting and Fixation | |
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Common Fixatives in Hard-Tissue Histology | |
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Decalcification of Bone Tissue | |
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Principles of Embedding and Common Protocols | |
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Infiltration Techniques and Results in Different Types of Resin | |
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Sectioning Techniques | |
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Histological Techniques for Decalcified Bone and Cartilage | |
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Techniques for Sectioning Undecalcified Bone Tissue Using Microtomes | |
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Cutting and Grinding Methods for Hard-Tissue Histology | |
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Bone Sectioning Using the Exakt System | |
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Bone Sectioning Using a Modified Inner Diamond Saw | |
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Bone Sectioning Using the Precise 1 Automated Cutting System | |
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Bone, Cement, and Metal Implant Interface Preparation with a High-Pressure Water Cutter | |
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Staining Techniques | |
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Basic Staining and Histochemical Techniques and Immunohistochemical Localizations Using Bone Sections | |
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Basic Staining Techniques for Cartilage Sections | |
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Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Staining of Cartilage Sections | |
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Staining Techniques for Plastic-Embedded Specimens | |
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In Situ Hybridization of Bone and Cartilage | |
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Analysis Techniques | |
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Bone Histomorphometry: Concepts and Common Techniques | |
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Histological Analysis of Bone-Implant Interface | |
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Histomorphometric Analysis of Bone-Cement and Cement-Metal Interface | |
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Histologic Analysis of Bone Healing | |
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Histomorphometry of Metabolic Bone Conditions | |
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Histology of Articular Cartilage Repair | |
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Histological Analysis of Cartilage Conditions | |
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Histological Analysis of Soft-Tissues Biomaterial Interface: Relevance to Dental Implants | |
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Pathological Diagnosis of Common Tumors of Bone and Cartilage | |
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Electron Microscopy and Radiography | |
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Methods for Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Bone and Cartilage | |
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SEM Methods for Observation of the Bone-Implant Interface | |
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TEM Methods for Observation of the Bone-Implant Interface | |
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Radiological Examination of Calcified Tissues with Emphasis on Bone | |
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Microangiography, Macrosectioning, and Preparation for Contact Radiography | |
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Recognizing and Avoiding Artifacts | |
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Recognizing and Interpreting Histology Artifacts in Hard-Tissue Research | |
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Index | |