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Solidarity of Others in a Divided World A Postmodern Theology after Postmodernism

ISBN-10: 0567025705

ISBN-13: 9780567025708

Edition: 2004

Authors: Anselm Kyongsuk Min

List price: $57.95
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Book details

List price: $57.95
Copyright year: 2004
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic & Professional
Publication date: 2/3/2004
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.53" tall
Weight: 0.748
Language: English

Introduction: Solidarity of Others as the Burden of Contemporary Theology
After Postmodernism: A Critique of Difference
Levinas and the Liberation of the Other: Toward a Dialectic of Totality, Infinity, and Solidarity
The Other without History and Society: A Dialogue with Derrida
The Reign of Difference: Postmodernism in Philosophy, Culture, and Politics
From Difference to the Solidarity of Others: Sublating Postmodernism
Solidarity of Others: Toward a Postmodern Theology
Renewing the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in an Oppressive World: Prolegomena to a Pneumatology of Liberating Solidarity
Solidarity of Others in the Movement of the Holy Spirit: Pneumatology in a Divided World
Solidarity of Others in the Body of Christ: Christology in a Divided World
Praxis and Pluralism: A Liberationist Theology of Religions
Solidarity of Others in a Religiously Plural World: Toward a Dialectical Conception of Pluralism
Difference and Solidarity: Pneumatologies of Moltmann, Welker, and Hodgson
Conclusion: Solidarity of Others as the Future of Theology
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