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Breaking Free A Therapeutic Workbook for Youth Struggling with Pornography Addiction and its Accompanying Behaviors

ISBN-10: 0557937280

ISBN-13: 9780557937288

Edition: N/A

Authors: Matthew Bulkley

List price: $28.00
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This workbook is designed and written for youth who have an interest in living a moral life, but are struggling with an addiction to pornography and other sexual behaviors such as masturbation and sexual preoccupation. The objectives of the workbook are as follows: 1. Assist youth in eliminating the use of pornography, masturbation and other unwanted sexual behaviors. 2. Provide youth with information and insights into the devastating consequences of addiction to sexual behaviors. 3. Assist youth in identifying the issues in their life that have led to the formation of a sexual addiction. 4. Provide youth with the opportunity to engage in a healthy dialogue about sexual issues with…    
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Book details

List price: $28.00
Publisher: Lulu Press, Inc.
Publication date: 12/9/2010
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 249
Size: 8.25" wide x 11.00" long x 0.53" tall
Weight: 1.628
Language: English