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Who's Sorry Now?

ISBN-10: 0557380642

ISBN-13: 9780557380640

Edition: N/A

Authors: Susan Day

List price: $15.99
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Erica Stone is 18, prim and proper. Kyle Jacobs, also 18, is just the opposite. Their awkward, first date doesn't hold much promise of a future together, but the events that unfold are not what anyone could have predicted. Their story is one of innocence and curiosity that soon explodes into a consuming love affair. Experience their joy and sorrow, their laughter and tears and ultimately, an ending that no one could predict!
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Book details

List price: $15.99
Publisher: Lulu Press, Inc.
Publication date: 11/5/2010
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 237
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.54" tall
Weight: 0.924
Language: English

Susan Day was Chief Librarian at the Institut Fran�ais d'Architecture from 1981 to 2004. She has written monographs on architects Louis S�e and Jean-Charles Moreux, published widely on Islamic textiles, and acted as Scientific Advisor for the Louvre and Les Arts D�coratifs museums.