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CogLab Reader

ISBN-10: 0534641202

ISBN-13: 9780534641207

Edition: 2005

Authors: Aimee M. Surprenant, Greg Francis, Ian Neath

List price: $102.95
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A perfect match for the CogLab, Wadsworth's Cognitive Psychology Laboratory, this reader includes 32 articles, each of which corresponds to a demonstration or set of demonstrations in CogLab. Available online or on CD-ROM, CogLab provides an invaluable laboratory component for cognitive psychology classes. This virtual laboratory gives the students a sense of how experiments are conducted and how individual and group data look. The reader complements that goal in providing a historical and theoretical context for the experiments. Each reading is accompanied by an introduction that clarifies some of the fine points of the article and focuses the reader's attention on the important aspects of…    
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Book details

List price: $102.95
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: Wadsworth
Publication date: 7/12/2004
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 448
Size: 7.25" wide x 8.75" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 1.430
Language: English

Attentional Blink, Temporory suppression of visual processing in an RSVP task: An attentional blink?
Simon Effect
Reactions toward the source of stimulation
Spatial Cueing
Orienting of attention
Stroop Task
Studies fo interference in serial verbal reactions
Apparent Motion
Motion perception: A modern view of Wertheimer's 1912 monograph
Muller-Lyer Illusion
Perceptual illusions and brain models
Signal Detection
A decision-making theory of visual detection
Visual Search
Features and objects in visual processing
Brain Asymmetry
Some functional effects of sectioning the cerebral commisures in man
Mapping the Blind Spot; on the filling in of the visual blind spot
Some rules of thumb
Sensory Memory
Metacontrast Masking
What's new in visual masking?
Partial Report
The information available in brief visual presentations
Suffix Effect
Adapting to an irrelevant item in an immediate recall task
Short-Term Memory
Brown-Peterson Task
Short-term retention of individual verbal items
Sternberg Task
High-speed scanning in human memory
Working Memory
Working Memory: Irrelevant Speech, Memory Spans, Phonological Similarity
Working Memory
Operation Span
Individual differences in working memory capacity: Mmore evidence for a general capacity theory
Memory Processes
Encoding Specificity
Associative encoding and retrieval: Weak and strong cues
Serial Position Effect
Serial position curves in verbal learning
von Restorff Effect
The subtlety of distinctiveness: What von Restorff really did
False Memory
Creating false memories: Remembering words not presented in lists
ForgotIt All Along
Remembering remembering
Memory and consciousness
Mental Rotation
Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects
Speech and Language
Categorical Perception
Speech perception by the chinchilla: Voiced-voiceless distionction in alveolar plosive consonants
Lexical Decition
Facilitation in regocnizing pairs of workds: Evidence of a dependence between retrieval operations
Word Superiority Effect
Perceptual recognition as a function of meaningfulness of stimulus material
Absolute Identification
Anchor effects in absolute judgements
Implicit Learning
Can sequence learning be implicit? New evidence with the process dissociation procedure
On the genesis of abstract ideas
Risky Decision and Typical Reasoning
Choices, values, and frames
Wason Selection Task
Natural and contrived experience in a reasoning problem