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Out of the Classroom Observations and Investigations in Astronomy

ISBN-10: 0534380158

ISBN-13: 9780534380151

Edition: 2002

Authors: Dennis Dawson

List price: $164.95
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Dennis Dawson's lab manual gives students the thrill of learning basic astronomy concepts through first hand experiences versus taking the traditional approach of rehashing preconceived observations and analysis done by astronomers. To overcome the need for access to remote observatories, Dawson has cleverly created exercises that are developed around the use of equipment that students would likely have on hand or could construct inexpensively. Students acquire the necessary commitment to understanding basic concepts, basic experimental procedures, the concept of experimental uncertainty, and the discipline of drawing conclusions from information gained first hand.
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Book details

List price: $164.95
Copyright year: 2002
Publisher: Brooks/Cole
Publication date: 3/1/2001
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 200
Size: 8.50" wide x 10.75" long x 0.50" tall
Weight: 0.990
Language: English

Sources and Acknowledgments
Reference Guide to Experimental Methods
Single-Day (D) or Single-Night (N) Experiments
Using a Planisphere (N)
Altitude and Azimuth (N)
Apparent Magnitudes of Stars (N)
The Number of Stars Visible to the Naked Eye (N or MN)
Use of an Inclinometer (N)
Construction and Calibration of a Cross-Staff (D)
Observing an Eclipse of the Moon (N)
Exploring the Winter Sky (N)
Exploring the Spring Sky (N)
Exploring the Summer Sky (N)
Exploring the Autumn Sky (N)
Observing Double Stars (N)
Astrophotography: Star Colors (N)
Multi-Day (MD) or Multi-Night (MN) Experiments
Measuring the Moon's Orbital Motion (MN)
Spectra with a Grating or Compact Disk (MN)
Observations of the Setting Sun (MD)
The Moon's Phases (MD)
Shadow-Stick Astronomy (D, N)
Observations of Jupiter's Moons (MN)
Observing Sunspots by Projection (MD)
Observations of the Moon's Features (MN)
Apparent Motion of a Bright Planet (MN)
Indoor Experiments
Spectral Classification
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Cepheid Variable Stars I: Creating Light Curves
Cepheid Variable Stars II: Investigating Pulsation
Spiral Structure in the Milky Way
Astronomy on the Internet
Lab Report Checklist