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Behavioral Law and Economics

ISBN-10: 0521667437

ISBN-13: 9780521667432

Edition: 2000

Authors: Cass R. Sunstein, Hal R. Arkes, Jonathan Baron, Lola Lopes

List price: $54.99
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This exciting volume marks the birth of a new field, one which attempts to study law with reference to an accurate understanding of human behavior. It reports new findings in cognitive psychology which show that people are frequently both unselfish and over-optimistic; that people have limited willpower and limited self-control; and that people are 'boundedly' rational, in the sense that they have limited information-processing powers, and frequently rely on mental short-cuts and rules of thumb. Understanding this behavior has large-scale implications for the analysis of law, in areas including environmental protection, taxation, constitutional law, voting behavior, punitive damages for…    
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Book details

List price: $54.99
Copyright year: 2000
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 3/28/2000
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 448
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 1.298
Language: English

Introduction Cass
Overviews and Prospects
A behavioral approach to law and economics
Heuristics and Biases: Shortcuts, Errors and Legal Decisions
Context-dependence in legal decision making
A positive psychological theory of judging in hindsight
Behavioral economics, contract formation, and contract law
Organized illusions: a behavioral theory of why corporations mislead stock market investors (and cause other social harms)
Reluctance to vaccinate: omission bias and ambiguity
Second-order decisions
Valuation: Values and Dollars in the Legal System
Experimental tests of the endowment effect and the cause theorem
Assessing punitive damages (with notes on cognition and valuation in law)
Framing the jury: cognitive perspective on pain and suffering award
Behavioral economic analysis of redistributive legal rules
Do parties to nuisance cases bargain after judgment? A glimpse inside the cathedral
The Demand for Law: Why Law Is As It Is
Some implications of cognitive psychology for risk regulation
Explaining bargaining impasse: the role of self-serving biases
Controlling availability cascades
Cognitive theory and tax