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Evolution of Agency and Other Essays

ISBN-10: 0521645379

ISBN-13: 9780521645379

Edition: 2001

Authors: Kim Sterelny, Robert J. Richards

List price: $33.99
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Written by one of the leading philosophers of biology, this collection of linked essays explores the main theoretical controversies about evolution and selection, and applies some of the resulting ideas in considering cognitive evolution.
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Book details

List price: $33.99
Copyright year: 2001
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 11/6/2000
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 328
Size: 6.02" wide x 9.02" long x 0.79" tall
Weight: 0.968
Language: English

Kim Sterelny is Professor of Philosophy at Australian National University and Victoria University of Wellington. His books include Language and Reality (with Michael Devitt; second edition, MIT Press).

Michael Ruse is Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy, Florida State University. The author of many books, including The Philosophy of Biology and Taking Darwin Seriously, he is also the founder and editor of the journal Biology and Philosophy. He has appeared on "Quirks and Quarks" and the Discovery Channel.

Evolution and agency: a user's guide
Replication and Interaction
Return of The Gene (with Philip Kitcher)
The Extended Replicator (with Kelly Smith and Mike Dickison)
The return of the group
Evolution and Macroevolution
Punctuated equilibrium and macroevolution
Explanatory pluralism in evolutionary biology
Darwin's tangled bank
The Descent of the Mind
Where does thinking come from? a commentary on Peter Godfrey Smith's Complexity and the Function of Mind in Nature
Basic minds
Intentional agency and the metarepresentation hypothesis
Situated agency and the descent of desire
The evolution of agency