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Time for Retirement Comparative Studies of Early Exit from the Labor Force

ISBN-10: 0521423643

ISBN-13: 9780521423649

Edition: 1991

Authors: Martin Kohli, Martin Rein, Anne-Marie Guillemard, Herman Van Gunsteren

List price: $46.99
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In all Western countries, people are leaving work earlier than ever before - at a time when their life expectancy keeps increasing. How has this paradoxical process been brought about? What is the impact of labour markets and social policy? And what will be the effect of this massive lengthening of retirement? Time for Retirement addresses the aging of society and the restructuring of the life course in terms of the changing relationship between work and reitrement. Detailed information based on the retirement policies of seven countries provides the basis for a comparative analysis aimed at assessing the range of possible political responses to these changes. The editors and contributors…    
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Book details

List price: $46.99
Copyright year: 1991
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 11/29/1991
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 412
Size: 6.02" wide x 8.98" long x 0.79" tall
Weight: 1.188
Language: English

The changing balance of work and retirement
The evolution of early exit: a comparative analysis of labor force participation patterns
Testing the industry-mix hypothesis of early exit
The Netherlands: an extreme case
France: massive exit through unemployment compensation
Germany: The diversity of pathways
Great Britain: The contradictions of early exit
The United States: The privatization of exit
Sweden: partial exit
Hungary: exit from the state economy
Pathways and their prospects: a comparative interpretation of the meaning of early exit