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Through Women's Eyes, Combined Volume An American History with Documents

ISBN-10: 0312676034

ISBN-13: 9780312676032

Edition: 3rd

Authors: Ellen Carol DuBois, Lynn Dumenil

List price: $81.99
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Synthesizing the best and most current scholarship,Through Women’s Eyes: An American Historywith Documentsis a widely admired, ground-breaking text. The first to present a narrative of U.S. women’s history within the context of the central developments of the United States and to integrate written and visual primary sources into each chapter through its signature docutext format, it is perfect for teaching history as a dynamic process of interpretation. With its focus on women from a broad range of ethnicities, classes, religions, and regions,Through Women’s Eyesmore than ever helps students understand how women are an integral part of U.S. history.
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Book details

List price: $81.99
Edition: 3rd
Publisher: Bedford/Saint Martin's
Publication date: 1/5/2012
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 912
Size: 7.00" wide x 9.00" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 2.684
Language: English