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Sociology A down-To-Earth Approach

ISBN-10: 013420557X

ISBN-13: 9780134205571

Edition: 13th 2017

Authors: James M. Henslin

List price: $193.32
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For courses in Introductory SociologyA down-to-earth approach to sociologySociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach highlights the sociology of everyday life and its relevance to students' lives. Throughout the text, author James Henslin shares the excitement of sociology through his acclaimed down-to-earth approach and personal writing style. Six central themes help stimulate students' sociological imaginations: a down-to-earth approach, globalization, cultural diversity, critical thinking, the new technology, and the influence of the mass media on our lives. The Thirteenth Edition has been extensively revised to include contemporary examples and fresh topics that bring sociology to life.Also…    
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Book details

List price: $193.32
Edition: 13th
Copyright year: 2017
Publisher: Pearson Education
Publication date: 1/4/2016
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 792
Size: 8.75" wide x 11.50" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 4.048
Language: English

James M. Henslin is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. He is the author of many textbooks, including "Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, " 7th ed.; "Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, " 6th ed.; and "Social Problems, " 7th ed.