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Principles of Microeconomics:

ISBN-10: 0134078810

ISBN-13: 9780134078816

Edition: 2016

Authors: Karl E. Case, Ray C. Fair, Sharon E. Oster

List price: $285.40
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Intended primarily for the one semester principles of microeconomics course, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals. Reviewers tell us that Case/Fair/Oster is one of the all-time bestselling POE texts because they trust it to be clear, thorough and complete.   Case/Fair/Oster readers also come away with a basic understanding of how market economies function, an appreciation for the things they do well, and a sense of things they do poorly.  Readers begin to learn the art and science of economic thinking and begin to look at some policy and even personal decisions in a different way. Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the…    
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Book details

List price: $285.40
Copyright year: 2016
Publisher: Pearson College Div
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 528
Size: 8.50" wide x 11.00" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 2.530
Language: English