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Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance

ISBN-10: 0078022703

ISBN-13: 9780078022708

Edition: 7th 2015

Authors: Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane

List price: $110.99
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Applied Sport Psychology was written to introduce readers to psychological theories and techniques that can be used to enhance performance and personal growth of sport participants from youth to elite levels. The four-part organization covers learning, motivation, and social interaction; mental training for performance enhancement; implementing training programs; and enhancing health and well-being. This edition reflects the latest research, practice, and anecdotal examples in applied sport psychology. Applied Sport Psychology is particularly well suited as a text for classes in applied sport psychology and psychology of coaching. The book is also a valuable reference for practicing…    
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Book details

List price: $110.99
Edition: 7th
Copyright year: 2015
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Publication date: 5/16/2014
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 576
Size: 7.70" wide x 9.10" long x 0.90" tall
Weight: 1.848
Language: English

RETIRED/EMERITUS as of 2008. Dr. Jean M. Williams is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Arizona. Dr. Williams' training and research interests fall within the realm of psychology of sport and exercise. Her research has focused on the areas of psychology of injury, psychology of excellence, group dynamics and productivity, and exercise and mental health. Specific interests include research questions such as how stress puts individuals at greater risk of injury and the role of coping resources in the stress-injury relationship, whether psychological states (e.g., anciently confidence) influence perception and performance, how exercise improves mental health, and whether…