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Womyn's Bizness Seller Profile

📆 Member since: 5/17/2016
📍 Seller location: Slidell, LA
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Refund policy & customer service information:

We accept returns, within the 14-day period from the date of delivery, for any reason - even if it's just change of mind! A full refund, less shipping/handling charges, will be issued when the book is returned in the same condition in which it was sold. Partial refunds will be issued for books and/or any supplemental materials returned in a lesser condition, i.e. damaged. An item is considered damaged if a sealed book or supplement (CD, access code, etc.) is opened, as well as if the item is returned with scratches, dents, tears, markings, etc. that were not there when originally sent. The amount of the partial refunds will be determined according to the degree of damage.

Seller feedback

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