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Ivy Slater Seller Profile

📆 Member since: 11/11/2013
📍 Seller location: Hendersonville, NC
📧 Seller email:

Refund policy & customer service information:

Inquiries from all shoppers are responded to promptly and courteously. Buyers are encouraged to ask questions prior to placing orders, as all sales are final unless the product you receive differs significantly from that which was advertised here in terms of either the product itself or its promised condition. In other words, “buyer’s remorse” does not qualify for a refund. Exceptions are made only in the event that a buyer is willing to return at his or her own expense an unopened, BRAND NEW item for a refund of the original purchase price only. No original shipping costs will be refunded, unless we are at fault for sending you the wrong item or misrepresenting the product and/or its condition. This hasn’t happened yet, but if it does: you are guaranteed a refund of the purchase price, the original shipping fee, PLUS the cost to ship the item back to us. In addition, we promise that no retaliatory feedback will be left for negative comments received on such transactions. We stand behind our service, and accept responsibility for any mistakes made. Thank you for your business!

Seller feedback

0.00 rating | 0 reviews
Feedback score: 0%
Positive reviews: 0
Neutral reviews: 0
Negative reviews: 0

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